Fabio Turco's review about +Note co-driver pacenote book

+Note co-driver pacenote book is a high-quality product which can be easily used by beginners and can also satisfy the needs of experts.

My name is Fabio Turco and I have been a rally co-driver since 2004.

I am member of the automotive sports committee in Verona, I am first license driving instructor and organize courses for beginner co-drivers.

I discovered the +Note co-driver pacenote book, if I remember correctly in 2012, thanks to Linda Tripi, a co-driver who suggested I should use it as I had decided to replace the bulky pacenote books, made by competitors, with this new sleeker product.

It is lightweight and easy to handle, these being the most striking features of this fab product.

I still prefer the previous model with metal spirals to the plastic one.